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编者按:GUIS是优联教育集团在二十年成功办学经验基础上的潜心力作。该校是优联携手70年历史的美国国际学校管理机构International Schools Services(简称ISS)、英国圣保罗女子公学以及泰国盘谷银行集团等战略合作伙伴,在继承ULC剑桥国际高中和NCPA美式中学的优良教育传统之上,进一步拓展并打造的K-12全龄段外籍人员子女学校。近日,ISS总裁Liz Duffy到访广州优联国际学校。Swipe to switch languages滑动切换语言ISS总裁Liz Duffy:与优联同行十二载,国际教育的探索、坚守与展望10月28日,全球国际教育管理服务机构(International Schools Services,简称ISS)总裁Liz Duffy女士(下文简称为Ms. Duffy)一行到访广州优联国际学校。ISS President Liz Duffy’s Visit to GUIS: Insights on Education and Global Citizenship Built on 12 Years of Collaboration with ULinkOn October 28, Ms. Liz Duffy, the president of International Schools Services (ISS), and her team visited Guangzhou ULink International School (GUIS).ISS拥有70年历史且享誉全球,为优联战略合作伙伴,二者于2012年共同创办了广州优联国际学校(GUIS)NCPA学部——原NCPA美式中学。这次到访,是Ms. Duffy在疫情后首次出访中国,而广州优联便是她的中国首站。ISS has a 70-year history and is renowned globally; it is an important partner of ULink and co-founded the NCPA division of GUIS—formerly Nansha College Preparatory Academy—in 2012. This visit marks Ms. Duffy's first trip to China after the COVID-19 pandemic, and GUIS is her first stop in the country.在探访校园完毕后,优联对她进行了一次深度访谈,探讨了对国际教育的理解、与优联合作多年的感受,以及对于全新亮相的广州优联学校如何基于未来人才需求开展课程设置及成长培育等。After touring the campus, GUIS conducted an interview with Ms. Duffy to discuss her understanding of international education, her experiences working with ULink over the years, and how GUIS can develop its curriculum and student support programs.Liz Duffy|ISS总裁“我大学主修生物分子学。在我印象最深的几堂课中,有一次是化学课的考试,我们需要建立一个新的元素周期表,实际上是在考核学生理解其背后的逻辑基础上假想出一个新的东西。这么多年过去了,我仍然记得这堂课,原来还可以在考试中让我真正学会学习。”“我很喜欢跨学科的内容,我最喜欢的课之一是生物伦理学,必须去了解生物干预的科学原理、道德问题,就像人工智能,思考什么时候合适,什么时候不合适。就像我们今天面临的问题一样,这些问题不分国界、没有那么清晰的学科边界,不管是历史问题、科学问题,我们都能把这些问题联系在一起去思考。”“在TOP10的美国高中任校长期间,我会为第一天上课的学生们准备一顿丰盛的晚餐,并告诉他们,你们来自世界各地,可能你们以后就会参加这里某个人的婚礼,也会在这里交到一生的朋友,这些都很重要。所以你要确保自己除了学习以外留出一些时间,与这些经常共事的人沟通交流。这些友谊将持续你们终身。”“任何时候,只要去做新东西,学生会自然而然被推动着去学习新东西,但如果只是被逼学习,学生可能会因为自己的社交情绪妨碍了学习而感到沮丧和放弃。学校和教师的作用是推孩子一把,让他们更大程度地发现自己的实际能力。”Liz Duffy|President of ISS"I majored in molecular biology in college. One of the most memorable classes was a chemistry exam where we had to create a new periodic table of elements. It was an assessment of students' understanding of the underlying logic to imagine something new. All these years later, I still remember that class; it showed me that exams can actually teach you how to learn.""I really enjoy cross-curricular content. One of my favorite classes is bioethics, where we must understand the scientific principles of biological interventions and the ethical issues involved, much like with artificial intelligence—considering when it is appropriate and when it is not. Just like the issues we face today, they transcend borders and do not have clear disciplinary boundaries. Whether they are historical or scientific questions, we can connect them and think about them together.""During my time as a principal at a top 10 high school in the U.S., I would prepare a lavish dinner for the students on their first day of class and tell them, 'You come from all over the world, and you may attend someone's wedding here in the future or make lifelong friends here; these things are important. So make sure to set aside some time, in addition to your studies, to communicate and interact with the people you work with regularly. These friendships will last a lifetime.'""Whenever students engage in something new, they are naturally motivated to learn. However, if they are just forced to study, they may feel frustrated and give up due to their social and emotional challenges. The role of schools and teachers is to give children a nudge, helping them discover their true potential to a greater extent."在访谈中优联发现,Ms. Duffy是一位极其热爱阅读、游历和深度思考的资深国际教育人士,无论是曾在全美TOP10高中任职12年之久的校长经历,还是转换身份成为ISS总裁,她始终认为“如果你想了解一个地方,最好的办法就是阅读这种文化背景下的书籍。”所以本次出访,无论到泰国,还是马来西亚、广州,她都去深度了解当地的人们在读什么样的书籍。她还这样勉励国际学校的学生,“鉴于许多就读于国际学校的孩子都能流利使用英语,这意味着你几乎可以去世界上任何地方,并获得这些书籍的英译本。所以我建议,如果你想真正地了解正在访问或好奇的地方,你要去真正了解那里的人在写什么书。”During the interview, GUIS discovered that Ms. Duffy is a passionate reader, traveler, and deep thinker in the field of international education. Whether through her 12 years of experience as a principal at a top 10 high school in the United States or her current role as president of ISS, she has always believed that "if you want to understand a place, the best way is to read books that reflect the cultural background of that area."Therefore, during this visit, whether in Thailand, Malaysia, or Guangzhou, she sought to deeply understand what kinds of books local people were reading. She also encouraged international school students by saying, "Given that many children in international schools are fluent in English, this means you can almost go anywhere in the world and find English translations of those books. So I suggest that if you really want to understand the place you are visiting, or are curious about, you should strive to learn what the people there are writing about."01谈ISS的角色及对优联的支持“成功合作12年,将进一步支持和探索课程融合。”01Discussing ISS's Role and Support for ULinkISS拥有直营学校,并提供办学支持。12年前,它与优联共同创办NCPA。“优联是我们在中国的唯一合作方,ISS与优联的合作是令人满意的。”Ms. Duffy这样说,“我们开展面向教育者的职业发展项目,引荐教师到国际学校任教;也与学校合作,帮助学校创立及发展。”在她看来,ISS真正支持了教育创新。ISS operates its own schools and provides support to new schools. Twelve years ago, it co-founded NCPA with ULink. "ULink is our only partner in China, and the collaboration between ISS and ULink has been very satisfying," Ms. Duffy stated. "We develop professional development programs for educators and recommend teachers to work in international schools; we also collaborate with schools to help them establish and grow." In her view, ISS truly supports educational innovation.关于NCPA的成就:中美教育融合下的国际学生有什么特质?谈到ISS与优联在2012年共同创立的NPCA,Ms. Duffy认为它是中国华南第一所纯正的美式教育的学校,“NPCA是非常成功的,这是一所吸收了美国教育的精华,并且与中国最好的教育相结合的学校。我相信已经有12年历史的NPCA,它的教育模式所培育出来的毕业生,将会成为拥有广阔视野的未来领导者。”Achievements Since the Collaborative Establishment of NCPAWhen discussing NPCA, which was jointly established by ISS and ULink in 2012, Ms. Duffy believes it is the first authentic American-style education school in southern China. "NPCA is very successful; it embodies the essence of American education while integrating it with the best of Chinese education.I believe that the graduates nurtured by NPCA's educational model, which has a 12-year history, will become future leaders with broad perspectives."Ms. Duffy表示,纯正美式教育更重视学生的全面发展。比如,这对于12年前进入NCPA就读的学生来说,是那些发生在课堂之外的、能让他们更多地探索真实自我的社团,成就了更为丰富的他们。“NCPA的学生深知自己是全球社区的一部分,在这四年的高中生活中,他们会意识到自己的未来使命是如何让这个世界变得更好。”“这个世界面临着许多挑战(比如全球气候),我们需要在更大的地区和全球层面上思考问题。”在Ms. Duffy看来,NCPA学生十分清晰他们就是社会的未来,“所以从创立开始,NCPA所着力培育的学生,最为关注的是他们与来自不同国家的人沟通、合作和共事的能力。”Ms. Duffy stated thatauthentic American-style education places greater emphasis on the holistic development of students.For example, for those who began attending NCPA 12 years ago, it was the extracurricular activities outside the classroom that allowed them to explore their true selves, enriching their experiences."NCPA students understand that they are part of a global community, and throughout their four years of high school, they come to recognize that their future mission is to contribute to making the world a better place.""This world faces many challenges, such as global climate change, and we need to consider these issues at a broader regional and global level." In Ms. Duffy's view, NCPA students understand their role as the future leaders of society. "Since its founding, NCPA has focused on nurturing students who prioritize their ability to communicate, collaborate, and work with people from different countries."校园生活Campus Life对GUIS的印象及支持 :输送优质教育资源与服务,包括顶尖教师、在职老师进修课程广州优联在ULC学部(始于2004年)、NCPA学部(始于2012年)办学多年的基础上,全新升级为K-12全龄段国际课程体系,Ms. Duffy对此表示,自己第一次踏入这所全新的校园时,便很喜欢整个校园的设计和布局。“这种圆形教学楼的设计很特别,在校园里很多地方都能俯瞰整个江景,走进教室里,光线特别明亮。”在她看来,不同年龄段的学生在这个场景下共同学习的画面非常让人振奋。“各种校园设施包括体育馆、音乐厅都非常棒。”她还表示特别喜欢幼儿园区域的操场,“想象一下,孩子们从这里开始,一直读到高中毕业,孩子们的视野和学习能力都会得到很大的进步。”High-Quality Educational Resources and Services from ISSBased on years of experience operating the ULC division (established in 2004) and the NCPA division (established in 2012), GUIS has been newly upgraded to a K-12 international curriculum system. Ms. Duffy expressed that when she first stepped into this brand-new campus, she immediately liked the overall design and layout. "The circular classroom building design is unique, and there are many places on campus where you can overlook the river view. When you step into the classrooms, the lighting is wonderfully bright." In her view, the sight of students of different ages learning together in this environment is very inspiring."The various campus facilities, including the gyms and concert hall, are fantastic," she said. Ms. Duffy also expressed her fondness for the playground in the kindergarten area, adding, "Just imagine, children starting here and continuing until they graduate from high school; their perspectives and learning abilities will greatly improve."作为优联教育的合作伙伴,Ms. Duffy表示,ISS为广州优联教师们提供了一个关于教与学技术的职业学习平台,“它涵盖了社会情感技能课程如何助力学生个性特长,以及面对当今世界快速变化我们共同面临的一些问题的解决方案。此外,ISS帮助优联吸引全球各地致力于国际教育的教师来此任教。”她补充,当学校需要美国的资源、书籍或其他教学材料,ISS都会提供相应的支持,“我们还会在招生、教学和管理方面提供帮助,在教师培训和财务管理方面也会给予相应的支持。”Ms. Duffy also noted thatISS offers a professional learning platform for teachers at GUIS focused on teaching and learning technologies."It includes how social-emotional skills curricula can enhance students' individual strengths and addresses some of the challenges we face together in today's rapidly changing world. Additionally, ISS helps ULink attract teachers from around the globe who are committed to international education."She added that when schools need American resources, books, or other teaching materials, ISS provides the necessary support. "We also assist with enrollment, teaching, and management, as well as offer support in teacher training and financial management."02谈全球形势以及即将到来的AI时代“教育在文化冲突和AI发展的当下扮演着弥合与融入的角色。”02Discussing the Global Trend and the Coming AI Era对于当下的全球形势和即将到来的AI时代,作为来自服务全球超过130所国际学校的ISS的总裁,Ms. Duffy认为,AI将深刻地影响每一位学习者,特别是在社会情感方面。Regarding the current global landscape and the upcoming AI era, Ms. Duffy, president of ISS, which serves over 130 international schools worldwide, believes that AI will profoundly impact every learner, particularly in terms of social-emotional skills.AI与教育 :学校要从学生的感受出发,在挑战和支持之间建立适当的平衡在Ms. Duffy看来,AI会一直发展下去,“因此需要让学生做好准备去迎接他们即将融入的世界。”她认为要在人工智能刚刚问世时,学校要采取各种办法帮助教师和学生更好地利用好AI工具。Schools should start from students' experiences and establish an appropriate balance between challenges and support.In Ms. Duffy's view, AI will continue to evolve, "so it's important to prepare students for the world they are about to enter." She believes that, at the onset of artificial intelligence,schools need to adopt various methods to help teachers and students effectively utilize AI tools.快速获取信息是人工智能的强项,在此基础上学生们必须掌握综合收集信息、分析信息、并且提出自己看法的能力,Ms. Duffy表示,“学生要在此之中形成质疑,‘这是真的吗?我同意哪些观点?不同意哪些?为什么不同意呢?’”她还指出,ISS一直在与广州优联的教师合作,让他们明确自己工作中哪些部分费时费力却无助于学生学习,哪些部分能让学生真正产生深度思考。Rapid access to information is one of the strengths of artificial intelligence, and on this basis,students must master the ability to comprehensively collect information, analyze it, and formulate their own opinions. Ms. Duffy stated, "Students need to develop a sense of inquiry: 'Is this true? Which viewpoints do I agree with? Which do I disagree with? Why do I disagree?'" She also pointed out that ISS has been working with teachers at Guangzhou ULink to help them identify which aspects of their work are time-consuming and unhelpful for student learning, and which aspects genuinely encourage deep thinking among students.此外,Ms. Duffy认为,广州优联教师和学生之间的关系是AI时代学校软环境建设的首要内容,关键是教师要了解学生的学习状况,以及如何在此基础上展开学习支持。她强调,所有的研究都表明,越从学生的感受出发,他们越能感受到支持,指出广州优联“努力在挑战和支持之间建立适当的平衡,例如花更多时间制定评估计划,从孩子的表现确定他们的需求,从而提供更个性化的教育评估。”与此相对应的,还有学校在教师培训与发展、课程设计、个性化学习计划、建设支持性环境、家校合作、利用技术平台等方面的综合施策,以建立一个充满支持与理解的学习环境,帮助学生更好地适应未来的挑战。In addition, Ms. Duffy believes thatthe relationship between teachers and students at GUIS is a primary focus of creating a supportive environment in schools during the AI era. The key is for teachers to understand students' learning conditions and how to provide learning support based on that understanding.She emphasized that all research shows that the more schools start from students' experiences, the more support students feel. She pointed out that Guangzhou ULink "works toestablish an appropriate balance between challenges and support,for example, by spending more time developing assessment plans, identifying students' needs based on their performance, and providing more personalized educational assessments."In addition, the school adopts a range of comprehensive strategies, including teacher professional development, curriculum design, personalized learning programs, home-school collaboration, and utilizing technology platforms. These efforts aim tocreate a nurturing and understanding learning atmospherethat helps students adapt more effectively to future challenges.校园生活Campus LifeISS与优联在合作十二载所坚持的教育态度,也正体现于此。Ms. Duffy介绍,“我以前教过一个课叫做设计思维,它的核心原则之一是要在问题中找到解决方法,这也是ISS在辅助国际学校发展中坚守的一种教育态度——因地制宜,因人而异、因材施教。”在她看来,从汇聚不同国家学生的国际学校毕业的孩子,未来将能够更好地理解全球文化、本土文化,“从而能够更好地理解冲突、超越冲突和处理冲突。”The educational philosophy upheld by ISS and ULink over twelve years of collaboration is reflected in this. Ms. Duffy explained, "I used to teach a course called design thinking, and one of its core principles is to find solutions within the problems. This is also an educational attitude that ISS maintains in supporting the development of international schools—adapting to local conditions, catering to individual needs, and teaching according to each student's abilities."In her view, children who graduate from international schools that bring together students from different countries will be better equipped tounderstand global cultures and local cultures,"which will enable them tobetter understand conflicts, transcend conflicts, and manage conflicts."“事情都是循环往复的,和平和冲突也是一样,就像广州优联的主教学建筑设计成一个圆圈,这也寓意着冲突和安宁都属于循环(圆圈)的一部分。”Ms. Duffy表示,这与优联的培育愿景是一致的,“它希望学生们对自己的身份和背景有强烈的认识,又要能够设身处地为他人着想,理解他人的想法(拥抱多元、丰盈自我);还希望学生能够在学习中掌握更多的现代技能,从而帮助这个世界避免陷入困境,并将冲突转化成创造力的增长(探索创新、追求卓越)。”"Things are cyclical, and peace and conflict are no different. Just as the main teaching building at GUIS is designed in a circle, it symbolizes that both conflict and tranquility are part of that cycle," Ms. Duffy stated.This aligns with ULink's vision for nurturing students, "which aims for them to have a strong awareness of their own identities and backgrounds while also being able to empathize with others and understand different perspectives (embracing diversity and nurturing oneself). Furthermore, it hopes that students can acquire more modern skills through their learning, enabling them to help the world avoid crises and transform conflicts into opportunities for creative growth (pursuing excellence and exploring innovation)."*转自:GUIS广州优联国际学校官方公众号【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead